PSI - La Page Expérimentale

Cette page est consacrée à un phénomène
qui est séduisant et très contesté à la fois.
Néanmoins, cette page vous offre la chance
de deviner, vous-même, votre potentiel psi.

Imagine a person you feel very near to in a spiritual way.
Then simply look at this page and try to understand the
French poem which means 'Magic Bird', even if you don't
speak French at all. Finally, click to the designated image
and look what happens. Maybe you get a transmission of
what I call 'psi-energy', by now just a name given to some
natural phenomenon which has been claimed to exist on
the basis of singular queer observations. As for the difficulty
to reproduce definite conditions where related observations
can be made for sure, scientists find it hard to accept even
well documented cases of psi. The subject itself, however,
became a matter of serious research, carried out by Rhine
at Duke University (Durham/NC/USA), Bender at Freiburg
University (Germany), and Wassiljew (Leningrad/Russia),
only to name some of the most prominent scientists. -
So it makes sense to give it now another experimental try.
What seems to be important is a strong personal relation
between both parties connected in a 'supernatural' contact,
and/or a strong feeling of tension by one or both parties.
By the way: You shouldn't force yourself into it. Just relax !